Overview of the R Programming
Introduction to R Programming
Feature of R language
Installation of R and RStudio in Windows
Working and Execution of first program in R
Working and Execution of first program in Rstudio
Basics of R Programming
Variables in R Programming
Data Types in R programming
Converting Data Types in R
Operators in R Programming
R Statements
R if-else statement
R switch statement
R next and break statement
R loops and User Input
R For Loop
R Repeat Loop
R While Loop
R Take Input from User
R Functions
R Functions
R Built-in Functions
R Data Structures
R Vectors
R Lists
R Vector Function
R Arrays
R Matrix
R Data Frame
R Factors Part-1
R Factors Part-2
R Data Importing
R Data Importing of CSV files Part-1
R Data Importing of CSV files Part-2
Manipulate Data in R with dplyr package Part-1
Manipulate Data in R with dplyr package Part-2
R Data Importing of Excel files
R Data Importing of MySQL Database
R Data Visualization
R Pie Charts
R Histogram
R Histogram
R Line Graphs
R Scatterplots
R Boxplot
R Bar Charts
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