Setting up and Installing C Language
Installation of C using Turbo C++ in Windows
Installation of C using Dev-C++ in Windows
Installation of C using Code Blocks in Windows
Installation of C in Mac OS
Installation of C Linux OS
Overview of the C Programming Languages
Classification of Programming Languages
History of C and Features of C Language
Software Development in C
Identifiers & Keywords in C Language
Practice Quiz of Overview of the C Programming Languages
Notes for Overview of the C Programming Languages
Data Types, Constants & Variables
Constants in C Part-1
Constants in C Part-2
Data types in C
Practice Quiz of Data Types, Constants and Variables
Notes for Data Types, Constants & Variables
Reading Data from Keyboard
Hello World Program
Program to take input of various datatypes in C Program
ASCII value of Character Program
Difference between getchar() and putchar()
C17_Difference between getchar(), getch() and getche() Program
Difference between gets and scanf Program
Difference between gets and puts Program
Practice Quiz of Reading Data from Keyboard
Notes for Reading Data from Keyboard
Assignment of C BASIC PROGRAMS
Operators in C Language
Arithmetic Operator
Unary Operator
Relational Operator
Logical Operator
Bitwise Operator in C
Conditional and Compound Assignment Operators in C language
Swapping two Numbers using a Temporary Variable
Swapping two Numbers without using a Temporary Variable
program to swap two Integers using Bitwise Operators
program to demonstrate left shift (<<) and right shift (>>) operator.
Program for Largest Number among three numbers without if-else
Practice Quiz of Operators in C
Notes for Operators in C Language
Conditional Statements
Conditional Statement & Decision Making in C Language Part-1
Conditional Statement & Decision Making in C Language Part-1
Switch Case Statement in C
Enumeration (or enum) in C
Check whether an integer is odd or even
program to check whether a given character is upper case, lower case, number or special character
program to check Leap Year
Program to find number of days in a month using C
Program with Basic operations using switch
Practice Quiz of Conditional Statements
Notes for Conditional Statements
Assignment of Decision Making of C Language
Looping in C
Loops in C Programming , While Loop
do while loop in c programming
for loop in c programming
program to print EVEN numbers from 1 to N using loop also print Sum of them.
program to print the table of any number
C program to print all Armstrong numbers from given interval
C program to print strong numbers between 1 to n
program to display the pattern like left and right angle triangle
program to display the first n terms of Fibonacci series
Basic calculator program using a do-while loop
Practice Quiz of Looping in C
Notes for Looping in C
Assignment of Looping in C
Functions in C
Difference between Local and Global Variables
What is Functions in C? Library Function and User Defined Function
Types of functions depending upon parameters and return type
Call by Value and Call by Reference
Recursion in C
Program to Create a user defined function
program to find diameter, circumference and area of circle using functions.
program to print all perfect numbers between given interval using functions.
program to find factorial of any number using recursion.
program to find power of any number using recursion.
Practice Quiz of Functions in C
Notes for Functions in C
Assignment of function in C
Array in C Programming
What is Array in C Programming ?
Declaration & Initialization of 1-D Array
Two Dimensional Array in C Programming
Declaration & Initialization of 2-D Array
Multidimensional Arrays in C
C Program to Find Largest and Smallest Element in Array
program to sort array elements in ascending order
C Program to Insert an Element in a Specified Position in a given Array
C program to delete an element from array at specified position
Program to find occurrence of an element in one dimensional array.
C Program to Add Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
C Program to Multiply Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
Practice Quiz Array in C Programming
Notes for Array in C
Assignment of Array in C
String Concept in C
Predefine String Function of <string.h>
program to print string one by one characters
Program to Count the Number of Vowels, Consonants and white spaces.
Program to Find the Frequency of Characters in a String
Program to Remove Characters in String Except Alphabets
program to toggle case of all characters of string.
Practice Quiz Strings
Notes for Strings in C
Assignment of String in C
Pointers in C
Concept of Pointers
Pointer to Pointer in C
Array with Pointer in C
const and const pointers in C language
Dangling, Null and Wild Pointers
Void Pointer in C (GENERIC Pointer )
Program to swap two numbers using pointers.
Program to count vowels and consonants in a string using pointer.
Program to read array elements and print with addresses.
Program to Concatenate Strings using Pointer
Program to Reverse a String using Pointer
Practice Quiz of Pointers
Notes for Pointers in C
Assignment of Pointers in C
Structure and Union
Structure in C Language
Union in C Language
C93_Difference between Structure and Union
typedef in C language
program to create, declare and initialize structure.
program to read and print an employee's detail using structure.
program to demonstrate example structure pointer (structure with pointer).
program to demonstrate example structure pointer (structure with pointer) using user define function.
program for passing structures as function arguments and returning a structure from a function.
Practice Quiz of Structure and Union
Notes for Structure and Union in C
Assignment of Structure and Union in C
Storage Classes
Storage Classes in C part-1
Storage Classes in C part-2
Notes for Storage Classes in C
Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation
Dynamic Memory Allocation in C Language Part 1
Dynamic Memory Allocation in C language Part 2
program to create memory for int, char and float variable at run time.
Program to Find Largest Number Using Dynamic Memory Allocation
C program to find sum of array elements using Dynamic Memory Allocation
Program to demonstrate realloc() in Dynamic Memory Allocation
program to read and print the N student details using structure and Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Practice Quiz of Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation
Notes for Dynamic Memory Allocation in C
Assignment of Dynamic Memory Allocation in C
Preprocessor and Command line Arguments
Command line arguments in C Part-1
Command line arguments in C Part-2
Macro Expansion in C Language
program to print all arguments given through command line.
program to find sum of two numbers using command line arguments.
program to find the sum of N integer numbers using command line arguments
program for finding the largest integer among three numbers using command line arguments
Practice Quiz of Preprocessor and Command line Arguments
Notes for Preprosessor and Command line arguments in C
File Handling in C Language
Introduction to File Handling in C Language
Program to Read from a file
Program to append data into existing file
Program to read and write data using r+ mode
Program to read and write data using w+ mode
Program to write an read the same file using EOF
Program to copy file into another file
Program to count the number of characters and lines in a file
Program to reverse the case of characters of a file and storing it in the new file
Notes for File handling in C
Assignment of File Handling in C
Graphics Programming C
Program to Draw Line in C
Program to draw different shapes in C
Program to set the back ground color
C graphics program to draw digital clock
program to make a rainbow
Assignment of Graphics Program in C
Top 100 MCQ's of C Programming Language
C Programming MCQ Question No 1 to 20
C Programming MCQ Question No 21 to 40
C Programming MCQ Question No 41 to 60
C Programming MCQ Question No 61 to 80
C Programming MCQ Question No 81 to 100
Project in C Language
Dynamic Data Structure Linked List (Singly and Doubly Linked List)
Interview Questions for C Programming Language
Online C Programming Certification Test
Online C Programming Certification Test
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