Write a program to perform traversing of 1-d array and print the elements and their addresses on screen.
Write a program to insert a new element at user specified position in 1-d array
Write a program to delete a new element at user specified position in 1-d array
Write a program to perform multiplication of two matrices and print the resultant matrix.
Write a program to perform linear searching in 1-d array to search for any element in array and find its location.
Program to Add ,Subtract and Multiply 2 Polynomials
Write a menu driven to perform addition, subtraction, transposition of following sparse matrices:- Tridiagonal matrix Upper triangular matrix Lower triangular matrix
Practice Quiz of Array in DSA
Notes for Array in DSA
Linked List in DSA
Singly Linked List and Array v/s Linked List
Circular Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Write a menu driven program to perform following operations on a singly linked list. Display all the nodes Count the no. Of nodes Searching in a node Insertion at the beginning Insertion at end of the list Insertion between two nodes Deletion of a node from beginning Deletion of a node from end Deletion of a specified node
Write a menu driven program to perform following operations on a circular linked list. Display all the nodes Count the number of nodes Searching of a node Insertion at the beginning and end of the list Insertion after a specified position Deletion of a node following a given node Deletion of a node whose item information is given
Write a menu driven program to perform following operations on a doubly linked list:- Display all the nodes Count the no. Of nodes Searching in a node Insertion at the beginning of the list Insertion after a specified position Deletion of the node following a given node. Deletion of the node that’s item of information is given.
C Program to Insert First Node in a Linked List
C Program to Insert Last Node in a Linked List
C Program to Insert at Specific Node in a Linked List
C Program to Insert Node in a Sorted Linked List
C Program to Delete First Node in a Linked List
C Program to Delete Last Node in a Linked List
C Program to Delete any Specific Node in a Linked List
C Program to Reverse a Linked List
C Program to Search in a Sorted Linked List
C Program to Search in an Unsorted Linked List
Practice Quiz of Linked List in DSA
Notes for Linked List in DSA
Stack in DSA
Concept of Stack
Implementation of Stack using Linked List
Tower of Hanoi
Evaluation of postfix and Prefix Expression using stack
Infix to Postfix Expression Conversion Part-1
Infix to Postfix Expression Conversion Part-2
Write a program in C to implement stack using Array to perform following operations Check for Overflow and Underflow Push Operation in Stack Pop Operation in Stack Print the elements of Stack
Write a program to implement stack by using linked list.
Write a program to evaluate postfix expression in c
Write a program to implement Tower of Hanoi using Recursion
Practice Quiz of Stack
Notes for Stack in DSA
Queue in DSA
Concept of Queue
Implementation of Circular Queue
Implementation of Queue using Linked List
Write a program to implement following operations of Queue using Array- Check for Overflow and Underflow Insert Operation in Queue Delete Operation in Queue Print the elements of Queue
Write a program to implement following operations of Circular Queue using Array- Check for Overflow and Underflow Insert Operation in Circular Queue Delete Operation in Circular Queue Print the elements of Circular Queue
Write a Program to Implement Queue Using 2 Stacks
Write a program to implement queue by using linked list.
Practice Quiz of Queue
Notes for Queue in DSA
Tree in DSA
Introduction to Tree and Tree Terminology
Binary Tree and its Types in DSA
Representation of Binary Tree
Preorder Traversals of Binary Tree
Inorder Traversal of Binary Tree
Post order Traversal of Binary Tree
Concept of Binary Search Tree (BST) in DSA
Deletion into Binary Search Tree
AVL Tree in DSA
Rotations in AVL Tree-Part-1
Rotations in AVL Tree-Part2
AVL Tree Example
Insertion in Heap Tree
Deletion in Heap Tree
B Tree Insertion
Write a Program to implement binary search tree operations including: Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Search, In Order Traversal, Pre Order Traversal, Post Order Traversal
Practice Quiz Trees in DSA
Notes for Tree in DSA
Graph in DSA
Introduction to Graph in DSA
Representation of Graph in DSA
Spanning Tree Algorithm - Kruskal's Algorithm
Prim's Algorithm - Spanning Tree in DSA
Shortest Path Algorithms in DSA (Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm)
Graph Traversal Algorithms - Breadth First Search
Graph Traversal Algorithms - Depth First Search
Write a program to implement Breadth First Search
Write a program to implement Depth First Search.
Practice Quiz of Graph in DSA
Notes for Graph in DSA
Searching and Sorting in DSA
C Program to perform bubble sorting on 1-D array.
C Program to perform insertion sorting on 1-D array.
C Program to perform selection sorting on 1-D array.
C Program to perform quick sorting on 1-D array.
C Program to perform binary searching on 1-D array
C program to implement Heap Sort Algorithm
C program to implement Merge Sort Algorithm
Practice Quiz of Searching and Sorting in DSA
Notes for Searching and Sorting in DSA
Hashing Data Structure
Types of hash function
Collision resolution technique
Practice Quiz of Hashing
Notes for Hashing in DSA
Top 100 MCQ's of DSA Programming Language
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TOP 50 DSA Interview Questions
Preview - All about Data Structures & Algorithms - Implementing using C